After this relay arrests and detentions the government should realise that no tactics of intimidation can fetter a pen.
The deadly virus outbreak and social distancing norms were not able to trammel the commitment of the government from stifling the voices of discordances. After Anand Teltumbde and Gautam Navlakha, Hany Babu, a professor from DU has also joined the league of jailbirds for vocalizing dissent against the principle norms of the ruling political party. The watchdog agencies of the government are exploiting laws with colonial roots to curb the ideas and words which are at cross purposes with the principles of the State. Those laws are vaguely worded, overly broad, and prone to misuse, and have been repeatedly used for political purposes against critics at the national level. Hany Babu, an anti-caste activist, is the latest victim of the ire of the government. Prof. Babu is also an active member of the committee for the defence of Prof. GN Saibaba. The government is playing the card of fear psychosis to cull the contradictory opinions and to maintain an obnoxious balance in the country. The innovative and nuance tattoo of ‘urban naxalite’ is imprinted upon Hany Babu to psychologically torture him under the guise of national security.