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Sanitary napkins, pads and tampons, which were a trusted monthly partner of all women of the “anti-Ayyappa” age, are soon going to see the door. And Menstrual Cup is what’s gonna be doing what they did. And more.
Menstrual cups could possess a huge challenge for the pads. Menstrual cups are reliable, reusable, comes with the tag of environment-friendly and what not. However, many people are reluctant to use it. It is basically due to the unfamiliarity about such a revolutionary innovation. The idea of inserting something into one’s private part could give chills to some. It takes time. Meanwhile, those who have started using it, claims it’s the best thing ever. They’re only sad that they weren’t introduced to it earlier. Menstrual cups, the best alternative to the traditional plastic coated sanitary napkins or tampons or cloths, is the ideal option right now at multiple levels.
“It’s a life transforming device. It’s reusable up to 5 years; hence affordable, can be washed and used; hence hygienic, and fits in the body; hence comfortable beyond belief. It’s the appropriate menstrual health solution for women across all classes, more importantly for poorer communities with government support.”
Anitha Thampi (Poet)
Primarily, the extension of utilisation of a single menstrual cup is at least five years. The cup is reusable. You just clean it after each use. This could reduce environmental pollution to a significant level. Sanitary napkins which are covered with plastic, the largest foe of nature, is a serious concern. Even the incinerator of the used pads or napkins is vomiting unconscionable level of toxic fumes into the atmosphere. Other disposal methods of pads and sanitary napkins are also affecting the nature abhorrently. Think about the percentage of our population who, currently, use pads daily. Now think about how much difference it’d make in the environment if they all used cups instead.
Secondly, the amount of fluid which the cup can store is significantly higher than the pads which have a limited capacity, even though the advertisements tell you otherwise. Not just the users of menstrual cups, but health professionals also vouch that cups are more hygienic compared to pads. You just have to do proper cleaning after each use. Pearley Maaney, the television/movie star and a cup user claims that she is able to do anything and everything from swimming to horse riding with the cup. She has vehemently supported the use of cups and touted women to use the same. Cup would help women to elevate their self-confidence to a new level because it can irradicate the troubles that occur during the menstrual cycle.

The spotlight point in the advantages is the monetary benefit. Calculate a rough figure for buying five years of sanitary pads. All that money will remain in the pocket if a person is ready to move into cups instead of the traditional cotton plastic coated material. Different types of menstrual cups are available in the market, from the normal one to silky smooth, from plain colour to colourful and attractive. Different sizes of pads are available. Usually small size is ideal for teens and large size cups are ideal for people who have delivered a baby. You have to find the right sized cup for you. The still sceptic people need to understand that it takes more than one cycle to get adjusted with a cup. You might fail at your first attempts. Try again because it’s worth it. To top with a cherry, there’s the fact that the errand to shops every month to buy pads can be avoided, saving your time.
Menstrual cups are one of the greatest, most significant, inventions of our times. They make your life so much easier. It’s not just running or swimming- You can even have sex wearing the cup. They’re going to break the traditional and mundane process of the pad changing cycle and bring drastic positive changes in people’s lives.