They cheered when he scored, bawled when he was fouled and cried when he wept.
The Toxicity of Normality
It is high time to define what is normal. Normal is a powerful word because it could alienate people who could not meet the prescribed standards.
Exam Mania
It was a genuine concern when the Madras High Court stated that only 48 out 3033 students secured a seat in government medical colleges without additional coaching.
During the reign of a Socialist Pandemic
Design by Elnur Due to the penetration of capitalism and privatization in the insurance and health sectors, the virus has been able to express its …
Mindf*ck: Cambridge Analytica and the Plot to Break America
After wading through the 288 pages of this whirlwind account, there will be some words echoing in the reader’s head:-cognitive analysis, cognitive mapping, microtargeting, eco-chamber …
The Realpolitik of War
“War is the continuation of politics by other means” – Carl Von Clausewitz The Election Commission of India has recently proclaimed the date for the …
Lethal Misjudgements
The apex court of India acquitted six convicts in Ankush Maruthi Shinde V State of Maharashtra case due to lack of evidence and facts to …
The Tale of a Bloody Beautiful Valley
Kashmir is literally a paradise for the nature lovers, media and politicians from both sides of the borders. It provides an unlimited supply of fuel …